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There is strength in numbers. With each additional participant, our data becomes stronger to make LGBTQIA+ communities healthier.

The information gap:

LGBTQIA+ people continue to face unique health disparities that stem from discrimination, stigma, and a lack of information about how our identities affect our well-being.

In most health studies, data regarding sexual orientation and gender identity is not collected.

The result? When it comes to LGBTQIA+ communities, basic information about disease risk factors (like smoking), health promotion activities (like exercise), and unique strengths (like resilience in the face of adversity) is unknown.

Results and sharing information:

The PRIDE Study is committed to making sure data is kept private. We also want to make sure that data is shared in ways that maintains confidentiality, which is why all research data from the study will be presented in aggregate, or grouped, form. No data on any single study participant will ever be presented. See our FAQs for more information.

Our goal is to make results and findings from The PRIDE Study available to you and those interested in improving the health of our communities, as what we learn could lead to more tailored approaches for preventing and treating health conditions more common among LGBTQIA+ people.

The ripple effect:

By taking The PRIDE Study, you make an impact. The more people who participate, the more we learn and the greater our impact becomes.

We are building a foundation for ongoing learning about how identity influences health.

Our learning will continue to grow and strengthen over the lifetime of The PRIDE Study. We hope you’ll stay connected with us as our research progresses.

A Timeline of Our History

  • 1950

    The Mattachine Society, America’s first national gay rights organization, forms to protect and improve the rights of homosexuals.

    Photo: Wikipedia

  • 1957

    Psychologist Evelyn Hooker Evelyn Hooker publishes research showing that homosexual men are as well adjusted as non-homosexual men. Hooker’s work is integral in the removal of ‘Homosexuality’ from the American Psychiatric Association’s list of mental disorders in 1973.

    Photo: Advances in the History of Psychology

  • 1959

    Coopers Donuts Riots (Los Angeles, CA): Considered the first gay and transgender uprising and resistance against police in US modern history.

  • 1966

    Compton Cafeteria Riots (San Francisco, CA): An uprising and resistance against mistreatment of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals by police and other members of society.

    Photo: Wikipedia

  • 1970

    In what is considered America’s first Gay Pride Parade, thousands of members of the LGBT community march through New York, commemorating the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall riots.

    Photo: Greenwich Village History

  • 1970

    Founding of S.T.A.R. (New York, NY): Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson found S.T.A.R. (Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries), whose goal was to support LGBT people living on the streets or in prison, and support revolution in a larger sense. Both activists engaged in diverse activities to bring transgender rights to the forefront of LGB visibility.

    Photo: Transgender Universe

  • 1972

    In an act of defiance against her son’s aggressors, Jeanne Manford marches with her gay son in New York's Pride Day parade, sparking the creation of PFLAG—Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.

    Photo: Politix

  • 1978

    The Rainbow Flag flies for the first time as a symbol of LGBT rights during the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade. Artist Gilbert Baker hand-dyed a banner with eight stripes, each with a symbolic meaning. The flag has been modified over time, removing and re-adding colors.

    Photo: Univers-L

  • 1979

    The first national march on Washington, DC for Lesbian and Gay Rights is held on October 14. An estimated 75,000 LGBT people and straight allies demand equal civil rights and urge for the passage of protective civil rights legislation.

    Photo: Lesbian History

  • 1984

    The city of Berkeley, California becomes the first US governmental body to adopt a program for domestic partnership health benefits for city employees.

  • 1990

    On May 17, the World Health Organization removed ‘Homosexuality’ from its list of mental disorders.

  • 2000

    Vermont becomes the first state to allow civil unions between gay and lesbian couples, which would eventually lead to the allowance of same-sex marriage in the state in 2009.

    Photo: Wikipedia

  • 2010

    President Obama revises hospital visitation rules so patients may designate their own visitors, including same-sex partners.

    Pictured here: David Wilson and Rob Compton of Massachusetts.
    Photo: CNN

  • 2011

    Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is repealed.

    Photo: Wikipedia

  • 2012

    California becomes the first state to sign a ban on therapy that claims to convert gay people into heterosexuals. “This bill bans nonscientific ‘therapies’ that have driven young people to depression and suicide,” California Governor Jerry Brown said in a statement.

    Photo: Truth Wins Out

  • 2013

    The Supreme Court rules that the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between one man and one woman, is unconstitutional.

    Pictured here: David Harris and Tre’Darrius Anderson married in 2013 in Memphis Tennessee.
    Photo: OUT

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